And More Catblogging!
More photos from the trip: Because Tista soooo loves the styrofoam ends that the stereo came in, we actually took one along in our overstuffed car. He was very pleased about this.

Zora and Gramsci tended to hide when anyone passed by in the halls, which led to a lot of scenes like this one (yes, there are two cats in this photo):

Once under the covers, though, Gramsci tended to get verrrry relaxed.

Overall, we were very pleasantly surprised with how mellow the three of them were through 22 hours of driving and multiple hotel stays. (Hurray Motel 6 and its pet-friendliness!) They were just very sweet, which is never how I thought I would describe cats on a cross-country drive.

Gramsci was, of course, as shiny as ever.

Mellow or not, they're all happy to be home now. Especially since "home" now involves a big ol' staircase that is ideal for running up and down (and up and down, and up, and down, and up...)