Other People's Petsblogging
Because ours are the awesomest, but these guys... well, they're pretty awesomest too.

Exhibit A: Mali. Mali excels at the sad, sad, sad look. Mali is very, very good at pretending that no one ever pets her, loves her, takes her for walks, or pays her any attention at all. The fact that all of this is wholly untrue is completely beside the point. Don't she just make you want to love on her???

Exhibit B: Max. Max is a lovely cat who knows how to open the bathroom door and will, at any hour of the day, accost you with his rather unique version of the meow, which is, essentially, "mrraw!," but said in the voice of a cranky old man. Max is totally adorable, and his cranky old man voice just offsets his really sweet personality, which he probably keeps under wraps for the sake of appearances.

Exhibit C: Queen Beatrix. She knows she is the lord, or rather, empress of her household, and composes herself accordingly. Pay obeisance, peasants.

Last but by no means least, Exhibit D: Charleston, the bar cat. Charleston is probably the most even-tempered, mellow cat I have ever encountered, and mind you, this is a cat who's been through not only numerous drunken "but I lurves kitties!!" bar patrons, but also Hurricane Katrina. Charleston lives at MRB on St. Philip, a half block off Decatur, in New Orleans, and he accepts the admirations and homages of his fans with impressive equanimity. He sometimes sits atop the video poker machines, offering good luck to his admirers/worshipers. Overall, he is just totally cool, and I was so, so happy to see that he was still there, and had his kitty bed atop the bar so that his
Good trip, great pets.