Gramsci, Not Patrolling, But Very Circular

Gramsci would, however, just like to add that he's on to you, and all this circular resting doesn't disguise his fundamental alertness.

Gramsci would also like you to know that, as a Feline-American who is unable to vote, he would appreciate it if you, like his food providers, would vote for Obama.
Personally, I should add I have a student whose 4-year-old son is the biggest Obama fan I know - he kisses Obama posters, and has been (with his mom, my student, who's awesome) to see Obama 2 times in person, and tells his conservative father about how great Obama is. (So, obviously, not just a case of parroting parental views!!!) He was at a kids' election event with a faux voting booth and got incredibly excited because he thought he could vote for Obama. So, for this 4-year-old white boy, who at the dinner table gives thanks this way: "I am thankful for Obama, because I want change. That's all." - vote for Obama, because this kid is 4 and can't vote, but it's his future we're all voting on, and I think he gets it as much, if not more than, any of us adults do.